Essays & Reviews
Hi, Kev here. Ever since I've been interested in King, I've been writing essays about him (starting with a very embarassing paper I wrote in my sophomore year in high school called "Banning Books in Bangor." My teacher wasn't all that fond of my overreliance on alliteration. Ah, well.)
I present to you here a batch of my better (?) essays on the subject of King, starting around the time I both discovered the Internet and the online group SKEMERs, one of the longest-running King groups on the Internet. I've also helpfully categorized the essays based on their major themes. Enjoy!
King in General
He's Still Got It (1998)
From Novice to Hardcore (1999)
On Collecting (1999)
King Retires? (2000)
A Stephen King Primer (2005)
The Story of Bachman (2005)
Books About King
Darker Shapes, Bloodier Sheets (The Lost Work of Stephen King, Spignesi) (1998)
Terror Incognita (Stephen King Country, Beahm) (2002)
Best in Show (The Essential Stephen King, Spignesi) (2002)
Signings and Sightings
Betts Signing '98 (1998)
From Bangor to Boston (1998)
The King and I (2006)
An Evening With Harry, Carrie & Garp (2006)
Rock Bottom Remainders
Rock Bottom Bangor (1998)
Where Did They Get This Idea? (1998)
Write On! (2000)
A SKEMERs History (1997)
Five Stories (1st Annual SKEMERs Convention, 1997)
They've Been Here Before... (2nd Annual SKEMERs Convention, 1998)
It's Bangorrific! (3rd Annual SKEMERs Convention, 1999)